Jason pohl rick petko

Jason pohl rick petko
HowStuffWorks "Videos"

Jason pohl rick petko
American Chopper - Jason Pohl goes.The WyoTech chopper seen on Discovery Channel's "American Choppers" was truly a group effort. See what OC Choppers Senior Designer Jason Pohl has to say
Orange County Choppers has garnered worldwide praise and recognition for their custom motorcycles and can be seen on the Discovery Channel and TLC.
From season 3 episode 15: jason gets mad over a computer crash and goes ballistic.
Team Member Detail | - Orange County.
Jason Pohl from Orange County Choppers on.
Rick Petko Fabricator Rick Petko, a native of Bath, PA and a motorcycle enthusiast, joined Orange County Choppers as a fabricator and builder in July 2003.
Detailní informace a popis původního seriálu Americký Chopper: The Series i nového Americký Chopper: Senior vs. Junior.
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
HowStuffWorks "Videos" American Chopper – Wikipédia, a. .